Critical actor Atay detained in İstanbul over tweets - TRNEWS


16 Mayıs 2018 Çarşamba

Critical actor Atay detained in İstanbul over tweets

Actor Barış Atay who is known for his criticism over Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and his government, was detained by police in an early morning raid at his home in İstanbul, Cumhuriyet reported.
“They have finally succeeded to make @barisatay detained. Since when has it been a crime to tell somebody that they will be tried or you do not forgive them?” said lawyer Efkan Bolaç in a Twitter message on early Wednesday.
Bolaç also told Evrensel daily that Atay had been taken police headquarters and the reason for the arrest had yet to be announced. Later on, Republican People’s Party (CHP) deputy Barış Yarkadaş announced on Twitter that Atay’s detention was related to his tweets.
Last week Barış Atay reacted to Turkish prime minister’s advisor Yusuf Yerkel who apologized 4 years after he kicked a relative of victim of miner who died along with 300 other miners in an mine accident in Soma district of Manisa province.
“You will all weep as you apologize. When that day comes, we will not forget those who pardoned, pitied and abandoned trials! It is not going to be a case of, ‘Retirement along with the grandkids, we are all brothers and we want no quarrel.’ Everything is starting anew. You will give account to this country for what you have done to its people,” said Atay in his Twitter message.
Following his message a campaign was launched in social media and pro-government media targeting Atay.
“Just Dictator,” a play starring critical actor Barış Atay was banned across Turkey. “’Just Dictator’ shows what we have been facing. They [the government] show it to us in practice. You won’t see any play that is better than the reality,” said Atay, speaking to a crowd in front of the Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar Cultural Center in Artvin in January.

from Turkish Minute

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