3 missing children make headlines across Turkey sparking a debate - TRNEWS


2 Temmuz 2018 Pazartesi

3 missing children make headlines across Turkey sparking a debate

Three children who went missing made headlines across Turkey over the past two weeks, Hürriyet Daily News reported on Monday.

While two of the three youngsters were found dead, one of them is still being sought for by volunteers, law enforcement officials and the Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD).

A young girl, Eylül Yağlıkara, was found dead on June 1, buried near an electricity pylon after a week of comprehensive searches conducted by the authorities. Her death sparked outrage across Turkey, where many people closely followed the search process that went on for around two weeks.

Meanwhile, Leyla Aydemir, a four-year-old girl, was reported missing on June 15 near her house in the eastern province of Ağrı.

Teams have dugs holes, closely inspected reed fields, and headed down wells around the village, but they have not been able to bring back good news for 18 days.

Aydemir was found dead on July 2 in Ağrı’s Bezirhane village, some three kilometers away from her own village.

In another heart-wrenching case, six-year-old Ufuk Tatar was reported missing in the southern province of Hatay, local media reported on July 1.

Tatar, who has a speaking disability, reportedly went missing in a forest by the Amanos Mountains, prompting search and rescue efforts for him that are still ongoing.

A question posed to the Family and Social Policies Ministry, meanwhile, was left in the air in March.

In response to a question raised by independent deputy Aylin Nazlıaka from Ankara about how many children went missing in 2017, the ministry instead gave the number of children found: 11,691.

“Some 8,684 of these children were returned to their parents and some 2,147 of them were brought under state protection,” the ministry stated.

In 2016, however, the Interior Ministry was quoted as saying that around 15,900 children remained missing following an inspection proposal made by a deputy from the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) in parliament.

In her parliamentary address, MHP Aydın deputy Deniz Depboylu had also quoted data from the “Families Who Lost Their Loved Ones” research project, which was nearly double the official data – around 30,000.

Amid outrage over the latest cases, officials and political leaders have once again brought up the debate on harsher punishments and heavier penalties, such as “chemical castration,” once again.

“In the new term, we will take steps for harsher penalties. We will fully install what is called ‘chemical castration,’” Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdağ said on July 2, during a visit to the Yozgat province.

Meanwhile, MHP leader Devlet Bahçeli brought up the death penalty debate once again on June 30.

from Turkish Minute https://www.turkishminute.com/2018/07/02/3-missing-children-make-headlines-across-turkey-sparking-a-debate/

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