Turkish government blocks Blogspot - TRNEWS


25 Temmuz 2018 Çarşamba

Turkish government blocks Blogspot

Turkish government has blocked Google-owned Blogspot, one of the world’s largest hosts of personal webpages, reported by Turkey Blocks initiative.

According to report, the block on Blogspot placed on Tuesday, stretched across multiple ISPs and is assumed to be being rolled out throughout the Turkish internet. “The block pages appear when visiting blogs via HTTP, while attempts to reach Blogspot via HTTPS are being actively disrupted by means TCP RST injection,” Turkey Blocks said.

“Turkey’s ICTA authority, which oversees internet blocking orders, has posted no information on court orders relating to restrictions of Blogspot and its subdomains on its portal at the time of writing.”

It is as of yet unclear why the domain was blocked, but based on past experience it is possible that the platform refused to remove content at the behest of the Turkish courts.

Turkish government has also banned Wikipedia in Turkey since late April 2017. Turkish Authorities claimed the ban was instituted when Wikipedia declined to take down content alleging that Turkey had provided support for alleged terrorist groups.

Access to platforms including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and WhatsApp have been periodically restricted in Turkey numerous times since 2014, particularly after tumultuous events like mass demonstrations, suicide bomb attacks, or the controversial coup attempt in July 2016. The Wikimedia Foundation’s efforts to restore access failed so far.

The Wikipedia block is part of a wider trend toward control of information online in Turkey. As Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan seeks to maintain his tight grip on power, he has also worked to curtail Internet freedom in Turkey.

The country had one of the three largest declines in Freedom House’s Freedom on the Net index last year due to the repeated suspension of telecommunications networks and social media access, as well as sweeping arrests for political speech online.

Turkey is ranked 157th among 180 countries in the 2018 World Press Freedom Index released by Reporters Without Borders (RSF). If Turkey falls two more places, it will make it to the list of countries on the blacklist, which have the poorest record in press freedom.

Turkey is the biggest jailer of journalists in the world. The most recent figures documented by SCF show that 240 journalists and media workers were in jail as of July 24, 2018, most in pretrial detention. Of those in prison 179 were under arrest pending trial while only 61 journalists have been convicted and are serving their time. Detention warrants are outstanding for 144 journalists who are living in exile or remain at large in Turkey.

Detaining tens of thousands of people over alleged links to the Gülen movement, the government also closed down some 200 media outlets, including Kurdish news agencies and newspapers, after a coup attempt in Turkey on July 15, 2016.

The post Turkish government blocks Blogspot appeared first on Stockholm Center for Freedom.

from Stockholm Center for Freedom https://stockholmcf.org/turkish-government-blocks-blogspot/

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