Ex-Zaman columnist Ali Ünal sentenced 19.5 years in prison - TRNEWS


15 Kasım 2018 Perşembe

Ex-Zaman columnist Ali Ünal sentenced 19.5 years in prison

The Uşak 2nd High Criminal Court handed down a sentence of nineteen-and-a-half years to columnist for the now-closed Zaman daily Ali Ünal on charges of serving as an executive in the Gülen movement, which is considered a terrorist organization by Turkish authorities. He was acquitted on the charge of involvement in a coup attempt in 2016. The Turkish government accuses the Gülen movement of...


from merihnews http://www.merihnews.com/2018/11/15/ex-zaman-columnist-ali-uenal-sentenced-19-5-years-in-prison/

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