İstanbul’s Beşiktaş, Kadıköy, Ankara’s Çankaya top most developed districts index - TRNEWS


12 Kasım 2018 Pazartesi

İstanbul’s Beşiktaş, Kadıköy, Ankara’s Çankaya top most developed districts index

Turkey’s most developed districts are Beşiktaş and Kadıköy in İstanbul and Çankaya in Ankara, according to a new report released by the Human Development Foundation.

The report focuses on 161 districts in 28 metropolitan cities that host 77 percent of Turkey’s population, covering 18 parameters including governance, social inclusion, economic standing, education, health, environment and transportation.

Ninety mayors of those districts are from the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), 52 from the Republican People’s Party (CHP), 12 from the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), six from the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) and one from the Democrat Party (DP).

According to the study, 17 districts out of the top 20 are run by mayors from the CHP, while three of them hail from the AKP. Also, the mayors of eight districts in the bottom 10 are from the AKP and the remaining two from the HDP.

The 10 most developed districts in Turkey are Beşiktaş (İstanbul), Kadıköy (İstanbul), Çankaya (Ankara), Şişli (İstanbul), Nilüfer (Bursa), Muratpaşa (Antalya), Karşıyaka (İzmir), Tepebaşı (Eskişehir), Bakırköy (İstanbul) and Maltepe (İstanbul).

Municipalities can improve human development significantly if they adapt a human-centered approach in their work, the study concludes.

The post İstanbul’s Beşiktaş, Kadıköy, Ankara’s Çankaya top most developed districts index appeared first on Turkish Minute.

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