Occupancy rate in Turkish prisons more than 40,000 above capacity - TRNEWS


15 Kasım 2018 Perşembe

Occupancy rate in Turkish prisons more than 40,000 above capacity

Şaban Yılmaz, the director general of Prisons and Correctional Facilities, has announced that prison occupancy in Turkey exceeds capacity by some 40,000 inmates, the T24 news website reported on Wednesday. Speaking at a meeting of the parliamentary Commission on Human Rights, Yılmaz specified that as of today some 260,000 inmates are being held in Turkey’s prisons, which have a capacity of around...


from merihnews http://www.merihnews.com/2018/11/15/occupancy-rate-in-turkish-prisons-more-than-40000-above-capacity/

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