Major operations against those linked with Gulen Movement as 292 detention orders are issued - TRNEWS


10 Nisan 2019 Çarşamba

Major operations against those linked with Gulen Movement as 292 detention orders are issued

Detention warrants have been issued by Turkish prosecutors for 292 people who are believed to have links with the Gulen Movement.

The prosecutors carried out major operations throughout Turkey and ordered detention warrant for 292 people, including ministries’ staffs yesterday, the state-run Anadolu news agency reported.

The news report said the prosecutors in Ankara targeted 102 people as part of Gulen network in Gendarmerie General Command, Air Force Command, a non- commissioned officer (NCO) organization, National Intelligence Agency, Signal Intelligence Directorate, Family Labor and Social Services, Health and National Education Ministries, Hacettepe and Turgut Ozal Universities.

Ankara police detained 63 suspects after the chief public prosecutor’s office ordered the detention of 102 people for alleged use of Bylock, a smartphone application Turkish law enforcement consider illegal as the application used among Gulen followers.

The Izmir Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office ordered the detention of 29 military members and 12 civilians as part of the post-coup crackdown.

Anadolu further reported of operations launched in Izmir, Istanbul, Ankara, Adana, Eskisehir, Balikesir, Kocaeli, Konya, Kayseri, Erzurum, Ardahan, Manisa, and Aydin at the same time.

The Konya Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office also issued detention warrants for 80 suspects, including military members, over Gulen links. Konya police arrested 16 Gulen followers.

Turkey authorities dismissed more than 140,000 public servants due to their alleged ties to the Gulen movement or other banned organization since the failed coup attempt on 15 July 2016.

Adiyaman Chief Public Prosecutor’s operation included Adiyaman, Adana, Sanliurfa, Malatya, Ankara, Eskişehir, Afyonkarahisar, Gaziantep, and Kirikkale cities, and Adiyaman police detained 25 individuals, including businesspeople for their alleged ties to the Gulen movement.

In Gaziantep and Kutahya, prosecutors ordered the detention of 32 people including former and active duty military members on accusations of Gulen links.

Three-month security crackdown see 1,956 detained after operations by Turkish security forces as they crack down on PKK

The post Major operations against those linked with Gulen Movement as 292 detention orders are issued appeared first on IPA NEWS.


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