Wives of police chiefs who led 2013 corruption operations sentenced to 6 years in prison - TRNEWS


8 Nisan 2019 Pazartesi

Wives of police chiefs who led 2013 corruption operations sentenced to 6 years in prison

A total of 12 people including wives of several former police chiefs who led corruption and bribery operations against the government back in 2013, were sentenced to 6 years and 3 months in jail.

The suspects, in pre-trial detention for some time now, were convicted of membership to the Gulen movement, which the government accuses of masterminding the July 15, 2016 failed coup and calls it a terrorist group. The movement denies involvement in the attempt and rejects any terrorism activities.

What follows is the list of family members of the police officers mentioned; Yakup Saygili’s wife Esra Filiz Saygili, Kazim Aksoy’s wife Sumeyya Aksoy, Kursat Dusmus’s wife Fatmagul Durmus, Ayhan Arıkanoğlu’s wife Ayse Arikanoglu, Said Gok’s wife Hatice Gok, Mesut Yilmaz’s wife Huri Yilmaz, Gaffur Atac’s wife Rabia Atac, Osman Özgür Açıkgöz’s wife Zeliha Ozlem Acikgoz, Mehmet Habib Kunt’s wife Nurcan Kunt, Abdülhalim Sönmez’s wife Neslihan Sonmez, Omer Kose’s sister Selda Ozdemir and Kose’s son Faruk Serdar Kose.

In March, 2019, an Istanbul court handed down life sentences to 15 defendants including Yakub Saygılı and Kazım Aksoy for attempting to overthrow the Turkish government through a corruption operation against President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s son Bilal Erdogan and some pro-government businessmen in December 2013.

As part of the investigation into bribery and corruption the sons of three then-ministers from the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) were detained on Dec. 17, 2013.

A week later another investigation reached then-Prime Minister Erdoğan’s son Bilal Erdoğan.

The Dec. 17-25 investigations led to the resignation of four Cabinet ministers, to which Erdoğan responded by claiming that the corruption scandal was fabricated by sympathizers of the Gülen movement within the police department with the aim of overthrowing his government.

Since then, hundreds of police officers have been detained and some arrested for alleged illegal activity in the course of the corruption investigation.

Erdoğan’s witch hunt against the movement escalated and expanded to include many government bodies after a July 15, 2016 military coup attempt in Turkey.


The post Wives of police chiefs who led 2013 corruption operations sentenced to 6 years in prison appeared first on Turkey Purge.

from Turkey Purge https://turkeypurge.com/wives-of-police-chiefs-who-led-2013-corruption-operations-sentenced-to-6-years-in-prison

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