Report: Man commits suicide after dismissal from gov’t-seized municipality - TRNEWS


11 Mayıs 2019 Cumartesi

Report: Man commits suicide after dismissal from gov’t-seized municipality

A Sirnak man, named Recep Argan, committed suicide after he lost his his job at the government seized Beytüşşebap Municipality, according to media on Saturday.

Argan jumped into the Habur Creek on Friday and his body has yet to be retrieved, media said.

The father of one had lost his job after a government-appointed trustee reportedly refused to renew his contract with the municipality. Subsequent job applications he made to his old workplace were also turned down.

Turkey has stepped up political pressure on Kurdish politicians in recent years while the gov’t appointed trustees to the management of dozens of municipalities, arrested their co-mayors, and a total of 12 deputies from the pro-Kurdish party, Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP).

from Turkey Purge

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