Fethullah Gülen’s Message of Condolences for the Beirut Explosion - TRNEWS


11 Ağustos 2020 Salı

Fethullah Gülen’s Message of Condolences for the Beirut Explosion

August 5, 2020 – I learned with deep grief the news of the explosion in Beirut that killed more than a hundred people, injured thousands and caused hundreds of thousands to leave their homes.

I extend my condolences to those who lost their loved ones in the explosion and to all Lebanese people, and I wish quick recovery to the injured.

May God, the Most Compassionate, help the emergency and medical professionals who are attending to the injured. May God give strength during this difficult time to the people of Beirut who were harmed by the explosion and may He help them recover quickly. 

While we don’t yet know the clear cause, this disaster should be considered as a warning to us regarding the value of human life and the measures to be taken to protect it.

I urge everyone to help the people of Beirut at this difficult time.

– Fethullah Gulen

The post Fethullah Gülen’s Message of Condolences for the Beirut Explosion appeared first on Hizmet News.

from Hizmet News https://hizmetnews.com/25272/fethullah-gulens-message-of-condolences-for-the-beirut-explosion/

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