Former member of Supreme Court dies in prison - TRNEWS


23 Temmuz 2022 Cumartesi

Former member of Supreme Court dies in prison

Mehmet Sait Demiröz, former member of Turkey’s Supreme Court, reportedly died in a prison in Ödemiş, a district of İzmir Province.

Demiröz was reportedly fired from his job in the aftermath of a coup attempt in 2016 and subsequently sent to prison over alleged links to the Gulen group, which the government accuses of masterminding the failed coup. The group denies any involvement.

He reportedly underwent a lung membrane inflammation surgery several months ago. Several days after the surgery, he was sent back to prison. He reportedly had spent some three years in solitary confinement. 

Following the coup attempt in 2016, the Turkish government launched a massive crackdown under the pretext of an anti-coup fight. More than 150,000 people were removed from state jobs while in excess of 30,000 others were jailed and over 500,000 people have been investigated on allegations of terrorism.

More than 6,000 judges and prosecutors have been removed from their jobs since the coup attempt due to their alleged links to the Gulen group.

from Turkey Purge

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