Opposition deputy says gov’t dismissed over 10,000 civil servants last week - TRNEWS


3 Ağustos 2022 Çarşamba

Opposition deputy says gov’t dismissed over 10,000 civil servants last week

The Turkish government has dismissed at least 10,000 public employees, including 3,600 police officers, in a fresh round of purges since attempted coup in 2016, according to Gülizar Biçer Karaca, a deputy from the opposition CHP.

The alleged dismissals came in a decree; they, however, have neither been released to the public, nor published by the official government Gazette. According to the Turkish media, the decrees were only sent to related state bodies so far.

As of August 3rd, Turkey’s purge editors have not yet been able to verify the claims.

Turkey survived a coup attempt on July 15, 2016 following which the AKP government declared a state of emergency and launched a massive crackdown on the alleged or real followers of the Gülen group.

The Turkish government accuses the Gülen group of masterminding the failed coup and labels it a “terrorist organization named Fetö.” The group denies involvement in the coup attempt.

from Turkey Purge https://turkeypurge.com/opposition-deputy-says-govt-dismissed-over-10000-civil-servants-last-week

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