ÖHD Report reveals grave human rights violations in Turkey’s prisons - TRNEWS


14 Temmuz 2024 Pazar

ÖHD Report reveals grave human rights violations in Turkey’s prisons

Comprehensive Report Reveals Extensive Human Rights Violations in Central Anatolia Prisons  A detailed semi-annual report released by the Lawyers for Freedom Association has laid bare severe human rights violations occurring across various high-security prisons in the Central Anatolia region of... Read More ›

The post ÖHD Report reveals grave human rights violations in Turkey’s prisons first appeared on The Arrested Lawyers Initiative.

The post ÖHD Report reveals grave human rights violations in Turkey’s prisons appeared first on The Arrested Lawyers Initiative.

from The Arrested Lawyers Initiative https://arrestedlawyers.org/2024/07/14/ohd-report-reveals-grave-human-rights-violations-in-turkeys-prisons/

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