Number of Schengen Visa applicants from Turkey decreases in 2018 - TRNEWS


19 Nisan 2019 Cuma

Number of Schengen Visa applicants from Turkey decreases in 2018

Official statistics of  Schengen Visa applications reveal that Turkish citizens submitted fewer visa applications last year compared to 2017. The statistics also revealed that the applicants spent nearly 53 million euros in 2018 for the Schengen visa.

Diken news portal linked the fall in the number of Schengen visa applications from Turkey to the economic recession of the country and to the hike of Euro/Lira exchange rates observed over the past two years

The information released by the official website of Schengen Visa Information displays the exact number of the Turkish citizens who applied for the Visa and the positive or negative responses they received.

Based on the data,  it is noted that in 2017,  970 710 Turkish citizens applied for the Schengen visa, whereas, in 2018, this number tumbled to 879 238, pushing Turkey into fourth place among the countries where most of the Schengen visa applications are made.

The Russian Federation tops the list with the maximum number of Schengen visa applications with a total of 3, 695 670. China and India are in 2nd and 3rd place of the list.

Including the multiple entry visas issued to 537 138 citizens, the total number of visas issued to Turkish applicants are 799 862. The remaining 743 060 Visa applications were rejected.

Out of 52 754 280 Euros spent on the applications to travel to the Schengen region – consisting of 26 European countries – applications worth 4 461000 thousand Euros spent by the Turkish citizens did not get a positive response.

Diken implies that, in January 2017, the Euro/Lira exchange rate was 3.71 lira. After a gradual increase in this exchange rate, sighted as 4.54 lira per Euro in January 2018, a crisis had a breakdown in August 2018 when the exchange rate of Euro/Lira was 7.92 lira. 2018 had ended up with the exchange rate of 6.04 lira on the last day of the year.

“If approved by the Council of the European Union, the Schengen visa fee, which currently stands at 60 euros, will rise to 80 euros,” warns Diken news agency.

Under the scope of the information given by the Schengen visa information website reports that the applications received worldwide witnessed a fall in 2018, from 16 155 613 to 16 077 85, by 0.9 %, compared to the year 2017.

Across the globe, the number of applications for Schengen Visa with a positive response was 14 257 114, while 1 535 201 applicants were not issued the visa.

The press release of April 17th, 2019 states that the European Parliament adopts the Commission’s proposal to reform the rules on Schengen Visa, facilitating the people to obtain a visa to travel to Europe for shorts stays, whilst strengthening security standards in decreasing irregular migration risks.

France takes the lead of the countries that obtain most of the earnings of the Schengen Visa applications, with a total of about 4 million applications. Next comes Germany with almost 1 844 000 applicants, mentioned by Diken.

“Germany does not have an economy anyway”


The post Number of Schengen Visa applicants from Turkey decreases in 2018 appeared first on IPA NEWS.


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