Emotional reunion of 9-year-old daughter, disabled father after 20 months in Turkish prison - TRNEWS


2 Kasım 2022 Çarşamba

Emotional reunion of 9-year-old daughter, disabled father after 20 months in Turkish prison

When a 9-year-old girl finally got to see her imprisoned father again, cameras were rolling, and so were the tears.

According to a video footage posted by Turkish journalist Sevinç Özarslan, Bilal Konakçı, a purge-victim bomb disposal expert who was jailed on terror and coup charges in early 2021, has recently been released from prison.

According to the Official Gazette, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has used his presidential power to pardon him nearly 20 months after he was put behind bars for conviction on bogus terrorism-related charges.

The reunion between the man and his daughter was captured on camera and the result is, well, pretty darn emotional.

Konakçı had spent some 20 months in prison on charges of membership in the Gulen group, accused of masterminding a coup attempt in 2016. The group denies any involvement.

He was a decorated police officer whose life was upended in 2009 after a bomb left in front of a school in İzmir detonated while he was trying to defuse it. Besides losing his eyesight and right hand, he also lost some of the fingers on his left hand. He has difficulty walking as well as hearing loss.

Konakçı was arrested after a coup attempt on July 15, 2016 for alleged links to the Gülen group. He was accused of terrorism for having an account at Bank Asya, a commercial bank founded by businessmen affiliated with the Gülen group, and for using the ByLock messaging app. He was released and put under house arrest after remaining in police custody and jail for more than a month.

İn late 2019, he was sentenced to 7 years and 6 months in prison.

from Turkey Purge https://turkeypurge.com/emotional-reunion-of-9-year-old-daughter-disabled-father-after-20-months-in-turkish-prison

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