Purge-victim law professor drowns trying to save friend at an Ontario lake - TRNEWS


26 Haziran 2022 Pazar

Purge-victim law professor drowns trying to save friend at an Ontario lake

Hakan Acar, a purge-victim lawyer and a law professor from Turkey, died on Saturday after drowning at Lake Simcoe, a lake in southern Ontario, Canada.

According to local media, Acar drowned trying to help one of his friend struggling in the water.

He reportedly immigrated to Canada in the aftermath of the 2016 coup attempt in Turkey in an attempt to avoid prosecution in Turkey. He was accused by the Turkish authorities of having links to the Gulen group, which is accused of masterminding the failed attempt.

Acar was a law professor at Turkey’s Fatih university, which was shut down by the first state of emergency decree, No. 667, on the grounds that it was linked to the Gülen group, following a failed coup attempt on July 15, 2016.

from Turkey Purge https://turkeypurge.com/purge-victim-law-professor-drowns-trying-to-save-friend-at-an-ontario-lake

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