Purge-victim lieutenant colonel dies of cancer months after being released from prison - TRNEWS


10 Temmuz 2022 Pazar

Purge-victim lieutenant colonel dies of cancer months after being released from prison

Lieutenant Colonel Enes Erikçi who was jailed in the aftermath of the 2016 coup attempt in Turkey, died of cancer months after being released probation, according to Journalist Ahmet Takan.

Takan said in his column on July 7 that Erikçe died on June 22 and was laid to rest in his hometown a day later.

The purge-victim Colonel reportedly accused by the Turkish government of having links to the Gulen group, which is accused of masterminding the failed coup in 2016. The group denies any involvement.

Takan said Erikçi was released from prison early in 2021 after being diagnosed with cancer.

A total of 24,256 military members have been dismissed from the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) due to alleged links to the Gülen group since the failed coup. Hundreds of those have been placed in pre-trial detention across Turkey over similar charges.

from Turkey Purge https://turkeypurge.com/purge-victim-lieutenant-colonel-dies-of-cancer-months-after-being-released-from-prison

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