Turkish authorities have arrested almost 100 pregnant women since the failed coup attempt in July 2016, Journalist Sevinç Özarslan tweeted. She also said that she was in process of compiling a report detailing the stories of each one of these individuals.
“According to my research, almost 100 women have been detained and/or arrested in the past 6 years. I will share the exact number soon. No such thing ever happened since the establishment of Turkey. 6-month pregnant Ayşe Karaduran is still in prison,” Özarslan tweeted.
Turkish government survived the coup attempt that killed over 240 people and wounded more than a thousand others, however; AK Party officials along with Erdoğan pinned the blame on the Gülen group and launched a widespread war on its alleged and real followers.
There are more than 17,000 women and over 500 kids in Turkish prisons, with most of them pending trial over Gulen links.
In several cases, women were detained in the hospital immediately after the delivery of her baby and before they had a chance to recover. Many women were jailed as they were visiting their imprisoned husbands, leaving the children stranded in the ensuing chaos.
Yaptığım araştırmaya göre 6 yılda yaklaşık 100 hamile ve lohusa kadın ya gözaltına alındı ya da tutuklandı. (Tam rakamı yakında paylaşacağım.) Türkiye kurulduğundan beri böyle bir şey görülmedi ve 6 aylık Ayşe Karaduran hala hapiste.
AyşeKaraduran TutukluKalamaz @adalet_bakanlik pic.twitter.com/SUuvvQEwWF
— Sevinç Özarslan (@sevincozarslan) July 8, 2022
from Turkey Purge https://turkeypurge.com/turkish-authorities-arrest-almost-100-pregnant-women-in-past-6-years-over-terror-charges-report
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